What Are the Best Procedures To Combine With a Facelift?

Facelift Combination

When it comes to addressing facial aging, few procedures are as popular as the facelift. I like to tell my Palo Alto and San Jose patients that a facelift addresses the “3 Ds” of aging: descent, deflation, and deterioration. It does so by removing excess skin on the lower face, neck, and jawline, minimizing jowls, smoothing away lower face folds, and lifting deeper tissues to a more youthful and defined position.

While facelift results can be transformative, these corrections are mostly limited to the lower face and neck. If you have concerns about other areas of your face or fine lines and skin texture issues, combining a facelift with another procedure may help you enjoy your best results without extending your recovery time. Here are a few of the most popular procedures my patients opt for.

Brow Lift

A brow lift, sometimes called a forehead lift, continues the lifting effect to the upper third of the face. As our upper facial tissues naturally deteriorate and droop downward over time, we can develop a tired, grumpy, or worn-out appearance that doesn’t reflect how we really feel. A brow lift raises the brow and forehead to a naturally lifted position, restoring a more refreshed expression and complementing your facelift results.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is one of the most popular procedures in the world, consistently landing in the top 5 in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ yearly report. That may be because signs of aging in the delicate eyelids are so common among both men and women. Eyelid surgery lifts drooping upper eyelids, corrects puffy bags or hollows in the lower eyelids, or a combination of both. Many people who feel ready for a facelift also need some level of eyelid rejuvenation.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is an excellent complement to a facelift. This procedure uses fat from your own body to add volume to areas of the face such as the cheeks, temples, and deep lines or folds. While dermal fillers can achieve similar results, many people prefer using their own fat as a natural alternative.

Fraxel® Laser Skin Resurfacing

Because a facelift doesn’t address the quality of the skin, it’s common to enhance the results with skin resurfacing treatment. Fraxel laser skin resurfacing uses a fractionated laser to stimulate collagen production deep within the skin while minimizing downtime. As I discussed in an earlier blog post, it can either be performed during facelift surgery or soon after.

Consulting one-one-one with a board-certified plastic surgeon you trust is the first step in determining which procedures are right for you. If you would like to learn more about your options in San Jose or Palo Alto for enhancing your facelift, please request a consultation online or call (650) 325-1118.

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