Are There Alternatives to Breast Implants?

Woman examining her breasts while trying on a dress

Breast implants have long been considered the foundation of breast augmentation. They are highly customizable, generally low risk, and last for many years. However, in recent years, more and more patients have been interested in breast enhancement procedures that avoid the use of breast implants. At our San Jose and Palo Alto area practice, we are proud to offer many options for increasing your breast size in a subtle, more natural way. 

Natural (Fat Transfer) Breast Augmentation

One of the top breast augmentation alternatives is fat transfer (also known as natural breast augmentation). Our SVELT fat grafting technique uses fat from your own body to increase the size of your breasts. Results are moderate and typically increase the volume by less than 1 cup size. There are many benefits to this breast implant alternative technique, including a shorter recovery time. The procedure is also less invasive overall and uses natural fat tissue instead of foreign objects or materials. 

While there are many perks to natural breast augmentation, I remind our San Jose and Palo Alto patients that this approach may not be right for everyone. Fat transfer isn’t suitable for creating a dramatic size increase, and it works best for those seeking subtle results. 

Breast Lift Benefits

Some women experiencing sagging or deflation think they need implants when a breast lift may actually be the better option. While a breast lift won’t add volume, it does redistribute and adjust the position of your breast tissue. This procedure is effective for creating a rounder, firmer look and establishing a perkier appearance. Restructuring the breast tissue has an “internal bra” effect, giving breasts some added support from within. 

Overall, a breast lift is a good breast augmentation alternative for those who want elevation, support, and a more rounded and lifted look. Just remember that the procedure does not add volume, meaning it’s not ideal for those with little natural breast tissue. 

Which Approach Is Right for Me?

Both natural breast augmentation and breast lift surgery are popular breast implant alternatives. They can adjust and lift the shape of your breasts without the need for more permanent objects. 

To find the right procedure for you, be sure to talk with a trusted plastic surgeon. They will analyze your breasts, consider your natural body shape, and help you decide which approach will work well. It’s important to find a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in natural breast augmentation or breast lift surgery in order to achieve the best results

If you’re interested in alternatives to breast implants in the San Jose or Palo Alto area, please request a consultation online. You can also contact our office by phone at (650) 325-1118 (Palo Alto) or (408) 371-1118 (Campbell).

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