5 Ways to Look & Feel Your Best While Staying Home

Woman keeping healthy and enjoying the indoors

In light of COVID-19, we’re spending more time indoors as we do our part to flatten the curve and keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy. In times of stress and changes to our routine, we can feel out of sorts when it comes to our physical and mental wellness. As a board-certified plastic surgeon in Palo Alto, CA, I know firsthand that looking and feeling great can make a difference in our lives. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to maintain your confidence and well-being without leaving your home.

In this blog post, I’ll share a few tips for adapting your health and beauty routines to help you thrive during this period of social distancing.

1. Experiment with at-home workouts.

Staying at home doesn’t have to mean staying still. Try something new to keep your body active, ward off weight gain, and boost your energy and mental wellness. Yoga, dancing, and body-weight workouts require little to no equipment and can be done right in your living room. If you’re new to exercising outside the gym and need a bit of guidance, search the many YouTube channels, websites, and apps offering at-home workout videos and livestreams.

Remember, however, no workout can effectively spot-treat stubborn fat deposits. If you are struggling to tone a frustrating area of flab, don’t feel discouraged. You may want to look into potential cosmetic procedures such as liposuction or SculpSure® that can reduce fat in targeted regions such as the abdomen and thighs.

2. Research possible cosmetic procedures.

Though elective procedures are on hold for the time being, now is a great time to take the first steps and plan for a procedure you’ve been considering, such as a facelift. Researching elective procedures—candidacy, recovery time, risks, and results—is essential, and it’s a wise way to use the extra time at home.

Check the credentials of providers near you and look for plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. If you find a surgeon you feel confident about, consider requesting a virtual consultation to get started.

You can request a virtual consultation at my practice by indicating your interest in our contact form.

3. Give your skin a little extra care.

Use this time indoors to indulge in masks and more involved skincare routines to repair and rejuvenate your skin. You may want to invest in medical-grade products proven to deliver strong results. Give your skin a break from the sun, and don’t forget the SPF should you decide to step out for a walk or run.

Skin care doesn’t just apply to your face. All that hand washing is fantastic for preventing infection, but it can also leave your hands especially dry. Moisturize regularly to prevent excessive drying or cracking.

Skinbetter science® is currently offering to ship their products to patients directly. Follow this link to learn more about products offered as well as make a purchase.

4. Channel your emotions in a healthy way.

Stress can take a toll on you emotionally and physically, leading to inflammation, poor eating habits, and breakouts. Consider keeping a journal, virtually checking in with loved ones, looking for positive news, and maintaining a daily routine to keep stress levels low. Look for healthy outlets, such as writing, music, art, and exercise, to stay balanced and strong day today.

5. Get some fresh air.

Stepping outdoors can make a huge difference in your mood. Sunshine provides your body with mood- and energy-boosting vitamin D that is vital to your physical health. Keep a distance of 6 feet away from others, but feel free to go for walks or runs to stay in touch with the outdoors and soak up some springtime light.

If you have questions about scheduling a virtual consultation for a future Palo Alto facelift or other plastic surgery procedure, please contact us online or call (650) 325-1118 (Palo Alto) or (408) 371-1118 (Campbell). Stay well, and I look forward to hearing from you.

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